Emergency Backup Motors
If the system cannot function properly due to power outage, drive system breakdown, or accidents, the emergency backup motors powered by diesel generator can be activated to continue operation at velocity of 1 meter per second to pull back the gondolas into the station for evacuations.

Crown Gear Rescue System
When the system's main gear box is out of order, evacuations of passengers can be done by using the crown gear rescue system at the low operation velocity of 1m/s.

Vertical Rescue Operations
- The vertical rescue team of the Taipei City Fire Department consists of 3 persons, two of them are line rescuers and the other one is a tower column assistant.
- The principle of vertical rescue is that rescuers enter the gondola by gliding down from the tower column to the gondolas, then transferring passengers to the ground.
- Other rescue workers go to the rescue point and take the stranded passengers to a safe place for treatment.

Power Supply
The gondola system has a twin-circuit power supply. When power fails in one circuit, the system will switch to the secondary circuit, which will allow the gondola system to continue normal operation.