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Regulations Governing Use of the Maokong Gondola System

Amendments published on April  1, 2019


1. To provide passengers with a safe, reliable, convenient and comfortable service, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "TRTC") formulated these stipulations and promulgated them at all Gondola stations. Any alterations or changes will also be made public.

2. Unless otherwise authorized by the TRTC, passengers are not allowed to climb the Gondola's pylons or cables or enter non-public areas.

3. Unless otherwise authorized by the TRTC, passengers must use tickets issued or authorized by the TRTC to access payable areas through ticket-reading gates.

4. Passengers shall follow the regulations and instructions governing use of equipment and facilities within Gondola system premises. They must not forcibly possess, destroy, interfere or remove such objects.

5.  Each regular cabin can accommodate 8 passengers not exceeding a total of 640 kg. Crystal "Eyes of Maokong Gondola" cabins can accommodate 5 passengers not exceeding a total of 400 kg. Please sit evenly about the cabin.

6. The TRTC may refuse to provide transportation services and TRTC personnel may escort offending passengers off the Gondola system premises with police enforcement under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Violating laws, public order, good social practices, or these regulations;
(2) Acting in a manner that obviously appears to be harmful to self or others or harassing others;
(3) Wearing smelly clothes or bringing filthy objects that affect public hygiene;
(4) Seniors, children or severely ill passengers who require escorts but are unaccompanied;
(5) Carrying objects that cause inconvenience to others;
(6) Other behaviors prohibited by the TRTC.

7. The following behaviors are prohibited on Gondola system premises. The TRTC reserves the right to refuse transport if passengers are found in breach:
(1) The use of roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, push scooters, or other similar items in stations or cabins;
(2) Pushing or interfering with other passengers in stations or cabins, or putting the safety of yourself or others at risk;
(3) Sitting or lying on the station floors, equipment or facilities;
(4) Standing or jumping in the cabins, rocking the cabins, or entering the cabins without permission;
(5) Obstructing the opening or closing of cabin doors, or leaning on the cabin doors;
(6) Smoking, drinking (excluding water), and chewing gum or betel nuts is not permitted anywhere on the Gondola system;
(7) Throw objects in the Gondola system or from the cabin windows;
(8) Lingering in the paid area.
(9) Other behaviors that may obstruct Gondola system operation or create a risk of danger.

8. Only after filing an application and receiving permission from the TRTC can passengers exhibit the following behaviors:
(1) Play audio or musical instruments or other related behaviors;
(2) Paste, paint, or carve any characters, drawings, or the like on facilities or buildings;
(3) Take photos or video in stations or cabins in a manner that appears to interfere with other passengers or system safety;
(4) Loiter in stations or cabins outside service times;
(5) Preach to other passengers, conduct market surveys or other similar behaviors in stations or cabins;
(6) Distribute newspapers, leaflets, advertisements or propaganda materials;
(7) Use power sockets not designated for public use.

9. Passengers should hold the handrail, stand firm and not lean against side boards when taking the escalator on Gondola system premises. Elderly and disabled passengers are advised to take the elevator instead. The following behaviors are prohibited:
(1) Walk or run on escalators in the opposite direction to which they are traveling;
(2) Play or jump on escalators, stride over escalator sides, or exhibit other behaviors that may cause danger;
(3) Carry bicycles that cannot be folded.

Regulations on Ticket Usage

10.Except for group tickets, a ticket is valid for one person only. Valid periods are as follows:
(1) Single-journey tickets, single-journey concession tickets, and group tickets are valid on the date of issue;
(2) Other types of tickets are valid until the expiration date printed on the ticket or posted on the notice board.

11. When taking the Gondola to a terminal (Taipei Zoo Station or Maokong Station), passengers must alight. To continue to ride the Gondola, passengers must purchase another ticket.

12. Passengers should refer to the fare schedule published by the TRTC in stations for fares payable. Fares must be paid in full. Passengers who enter and exit from the same station must pay the minimum single-journey fare. In certain situations, for instance when passengers need to use the restroom in the paid area or exit the station immediately after entering (without traveling on the Gondola), passengers may contact station staff for assistance.
Taipei city citizens, children 6-12 years of age, senior citizens aged 65 and above (nationals) or foreign senior citizens who qualify for the Mackay Project,Taipei City Government employees,indigenous people (with household registrations in Taipei City and aged 55 and above), disabled passengers with valid disability IDs and their companions, and persons holding household registrations in Zhi-nan, Lao-quan, Zheng-da or Wan-xing villages of Wenshan District, Taipei City, are eligible for discount tickets.
Children under the age of 6 (valid ID required if the child is taller than 115cm ) or under 115cm may travel free on the Taipei Metro if they are accompanied by a ticket-bearing passenger.
Each ticket-bearing passenger may accompany no more than four children and is responsible for their safety and behavior.

13. Passengers without tickets, holding invalid tickets or found to be using another person's ID must make up the full fare difference.
Should violators be unable to prove their departure station, their fare will be calculated based on the highest single fare promulgated.

14. A passenger using a counterfeit ticket will be fined pursuant to the preceding regulation and referred to the police.

15. A passenger who loses his ticket during his journey without settling the fare voluntarily at the Information Counter will be fined pursuant to Stipulation 13. If the passenger settles the fare voluntarily, no penalty will be imposed.

16. Unless due to a cause attributable to the TRTC, a passenger who over-rides must pay the fare difference at the Information Counter.

17. Unless due to a cause not attributable to passengers, those who have not complied with Stipulation 3 in passing ticket gates must settle their fares.
Passengers who cannot prove their starting station will be charged the highest fare for the route.

18. When passengers are evacuated from stations as a result of emergency situations, irregularity, weather factors (wind gusts, lightning and typhoon) or Gondola operation suspension, passengers holding single-journey tickets may ask for a fare refund within seven days of the incident. For those holding other types of tickets, ticket-reading gates will automatically adjust ticket data the next time the passenger uses the ticket on the Taipei Metro and the Maokong Gondola. Tickets can also be brought to the Information Counter in stations for free data revision.

19. If passengers cannot immediately make up fare deficiencies or pay penalties, they must present proof of identity, fill out a fare settlement form, and make the payment within 10 days at the location specified by the TRTC. According to law, the TRTC may demand payments from those who fail to meet the deadline.

20. If tickets are damaged by station equipment, ticket holders may ask for a refund, the amount of which will be the balance minus the amount of any discounts attached to the ticket. No refund will be made, however, on single-journey tickets damaged at the exit gate. They will be retained by the TRTC.
Aforementioned ticket refunds should be claimed as soon as tickets are damaged by automatic fare collection equipment.

21. Unless due to a cause attributable to the TRTC or for a reason otherwise posted by the TRTC, tickets held by passengers are not refundable after use.
Unused single-journey tickets, single-journey concession tickets, and group tickets are refundable on the date of issue only. Other types of tickets are refundable before the expiration date.
When passengers apply for ticket refunds, the TRTC may deduct concessions or discounts contained in the tickets and charge a handling fee. No refund can be made if the ticket balance is not enough to pay the handling fee after concessions or discounts are deducted.
Calculation of the above handling fees shall be based on fees promulgated by the TRTC.

22. Passengers shall apply for ticket refunds at the Information Counter in stations. After verification, refund payment is made on the spot, via post, or at a designated station.

23. Sales and refunds of electronic tickets should observe issuer regulations.

Carry-on Objects

24. Luggage and carry-ons should comply with the following regulations:
(1)  Passengers must not obstruct other passengers with their carry-on luggage, and must stay by its side at all times;
(2)  Vehicles, electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, or other similar motorized tools are not allowed in stations or cabins. However, passengers holding disability ID (manual) or with prior permission from the TRTC may use assisted devices such as regular or electric wheelchairs, to travel at speeds below 5kmph within the stations;
(3)  Bicycles are not allowed in stations or cabins unless they are foldable and properly packaged bicycles (including traditional bicycles, and power-assisted bicycles, which must be switched off) or those conforming to the regulations promulgated by the TRTC, are allowed into the stations;.
(4) Non-TRTC personnel bringing or using carts or other similar tools into stations or cabins;.

25. Passengers with prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs or electrical wheelchairs must follow station staff out of the cabins.
The aforementioned vehicles shall be kept immobile in the cabins to avoid danger caused by swaying. Their size may not exceed 140cm x 70cm x 170cm.

26. Animals should be contained in pet boxes, small cages, or small containers to enter the stations or cabins. Containers must be assembled securely to make sure that no excrements or liquids can escape. The head, tail, and limbs of the animals cannot be exposed outside of the confines of the container. Each ticket-bearing passenger is allowed one container, which should not exceed 43cm x 32cm x 33cm (main body of the cage, not including wheels, handles, or supporting structures). This regulation, however, does not apply to police canines, certified guide dogs accompanying visually impaired passengers, or guide dog puppies receiving training from certified professionals.
The above regulations are posted for reference at every station. Under special circumstances, the TRTC may post notices in stations to prohibit passengers from bringing animals into stations or cabins during certain periods or within certain areas.

27. The following dangerous or inflammable objects are not allowed into the Gondola premises unless permission is granted:
  (1) Knives, scissors and other sharp objects. However, properly packaged items which do not violate the law nor represent any threat to the safety of others are not bound by this regulation;
  (2) Firearms or ammunition. However, on-duty military personnel carrying firearms or ammunition are not bound by this regulation;
(3) Inflammable liquid with an ignition point below 60 degrees centigrade, such as mineral oil, petroleum, benzene, toluene (rosin), methyl alcohol, ethanol (alcohol), acetone, ether, paint (oil-based plastic paint and soluble concrete paint), and carbon disulfide;
(4) Explosive materials, such as explosives, carbide, high-pressured gas (hydrogen, oxygen, propane, liquefied petroleum gas, acetylene), nitrocellulose, dinitrobenzene, dinitrotoluene, trinitrotoluene, dinitrophenol, trinitrophenol (picric acid), nitroglycol, nitroglycerine, nitric anhydride, organic peroxide compounds, and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide);
(5) Inflammables, such as matches, explosives, metal sodium, potassium amalgam, magnesium powder, aluminum powder, yellow phosphorus, phosphorus sulfides, calcium phosphide, fireworks, firecrackers, and isopropyl alcohol (matches and lighters for personal use are excluded);
(6) Substances that may cause harm to people, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, lead-acid batteries, chlorate (potassium, sodium and barium), perchlorate (ammonium, potassium and sodium), phosphorus chloride, sodium peroxide, barium peroxide, ammonium nitrate, bleach, insecticides, radioactive materials, and cyanide.

28. When a passenger's carry-on luggage is suspected of containing hazardous or combustible materials, the TRTC may demand a clarification from the passenger and perform an inspection. The TRTC may also refuse transport and report the passenger to the police.

Lost Objects

29. Lost objects found in stations or cabins will be forwarded to the information counter. The TRTC will issue a receipt to the finder. Lost objects found outside stations or cabins, of which the owner cannot be known, should be handed to the police by the finder, for settlement according to law.

30. Passengers who have lost personal belongings may request help to recover their items from TRTC personnel at station information counters, or the 24hr Customer Service Center.

31. To claim lost objects, passengers must prove that they are the owners of the lost objects. If the claimant is not the owner himself, he shall present identity certifications of both himself and the owner before the lost objects can be returned.

32. The TRTC handles lost objects according to regulations and is not liable for any damage or compensation.


33. Before you take the Gondola, please evaluate your physical condition. Passengers with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, acrophobia or physical discomfort should not take the Gondola.

34. Passengers falling ill en-route may ask TRTC personnel in stations or cabins to seek medical attention on their behalf. Disabled passengers may request assistance from TRTC personnel or use the accessible path.

35. In the event of crowding on the Gondola system, TRTC personnel will determine if cabin-sharing is necessary. Passengers may also book Gondola journeys over the internet.

36. The TRTC may refuse to transport passengers who violate the above-mentioned regulations. If the situation warrants, the TRTC may demand that passengers leave Gondola premises or report them to the police. No refund will be made on fares for journeys not yet taken.

37. Should passengers have any questions or suggestions, please contact our Customer Service at 886-2-218-12345 or send an email to email@metro.taipei
For questions regarding electronic tickets, please contact the issuers directly.

38. These Stipulations come into effect on the day of promulgation or amendment promulgation.